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Our Board

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Connie Harrington

Connie Harrington has an Associates Degree in Science. She holds a Nursing Degree
and has worked at Cadia Healthcare, an inpatient rehab facility, and also at Genesis
Healthcare, an assisted living facility. Connie currently works as a medical auditor for
R1RCM. She resides in Delaware and is married to Gavin and has one daughter and a
stepson who is married with two children.


Dee Davis

Dee has a Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Science and a Master’s Degree in Administration of Justice. She has worked at Prevention and Behavior Health State of Delaware. She also was an Adjunct Teacher of General Studies for Wilmington College. Since retiring, Dee transports homeless children for the Milford School District when needed. She resides in Delaware with her husband, Steve, and they have two married children and six grandchildren.


Becky Drummond

Becky worked at the United States Postal Service for 32 years and retired in 2017.
She has studied Human Services at Delaware Tech. Becky resides in Delaware and has one married son and a grandson. She recently was given guardianship of her late husband’s great grandson.


Edwin Tennefoss

Edwin has a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering along with being a registered professional engineer. He is part owner of Siteworks Engineering in Harrington, Delaware. He has been the treasurer of Hickory Ridge Community Church since 2004. Edwin resides in Delaware with his wife, Rita, and their four children and is an adoptive parent. 


Curtis Yoder

Curtis is a truss salesman for Sam Yoder and Son, where he has been employed 42 years. He resides in Delaware with his wife, Elvida, and they have three married children and 13 grandchildren, including 4 foster grandchildren. Curtis and his wife were foster parents for several years after their children were grown. He teaches the high school Sunday School class at his church, Living Hope Fellowship.


Elvida Yoder

Elvida retired from Delaware Tech in 2018, where she was a Proctor in the Testing Center. She has been a volunteer CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), advocating for foster children in the Delaware Family Court system for 14 years. She resides in Delaware with her husband, Curtis, and they have three married children and 13 grandchildren, including 4 foster grandchildren. Elvida and her husband were foster parents for several years after their children were grown. 

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Dylan Cramer

Dylan lives in Greenwood, DE with his wife Destiny Cramer and their daughter. He studied at Grove City College where he obtained his B.S. in Elementary Education. He has been teaching for 4 years and currently teaches at Sussex Montessori School. Dylan’s family currently attends Greenwood Mennonite Church. He teaches 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class. Dylan and Destiny hope to become foster parents.

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Destiny Cramer

Destiny obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical studies from Groundzero School of  Discipleship in New Jersey. She is passionate about not just reading what the Word says, but DOING what it says. She has seen such a lack of obedience in churches all over as we are commanded to “care for widows and orphans” and desires to bring hope where there is no hope. She came from a broken family, knowing at any moment, she could’ve ended up in the foster care system, but was somehow spared from that and surrounded by godly mentors and people who genuinely cared, making her realize the importance of investing in the lives of vulnerable kids and teens.
By God’s grace, she has been spared many pitfalls and lives happily with her husband, Dylan, and their little baby girl, and in God’s timing, more kids (through foster and adoption) that they can steward for God's Kingdom.


Sharon Embleton Williams

Sharon retired from 35 years of delivering mail in early 2021. She attends Crossroad Community Church, where she is involved in two singing groups, leads a cleaning crew, and helps with Bible School. Sharon is married to her husband, Charles, has 3 married children and enjoys spending time with her grandsons.  

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